


Sosei Heptares to receive new $3 million milestone payment from Pfizer

Sosei Heptares to get $3m Pfizer milestone payment

Seeking Alpha
Sosei Heptares to receive $3M milestone payment from Pfizer

Business Weekly
Sosei Heptares racks up more milestone millions as Pfizer announces $3m payout
Malcolm WeirDr Malcolm Weir, executive VP and chief R & D officer of Sosei Heptares, said:“The teams at Sosei Heptares and Pfizer have worked well together to generate and advance a novel molecule against a difficult GPCR target, highlighting again the power and potential of this approach and the combined capabilities being deployed.”
そーせいヘプタレス執行副社長チーフR&Dオフィサーのマルコム・ウィアー:「そーせいヘプタレスとの研究チームはこのアプローチの潜在力と可能性に焦点をあて、相互の技術を活用し、難しいGPCRターゲットに対する新規分子の創薬を進めるため、密接に協力しています。」(記事一部抜粋 当社参考訳)